Monday, January 18, 2010

The importance of easy access to your SQL Servers

Sometimes, when access to a machine is not intuitive, admins tend to initiate such a connection “only when required”.
Problem is – the “when” is sometimes undefined.
I see a lot of DBA’s having their “morning routine”, where they’ll connect to each of their servers (either through Remote Desktop, or through Management Studio for SQL-Only checkups) and see that they’re working, that no jobs have failed, that the disk space is OK etc…
But what if the problem occurs five minutes after you disconnect?
Or – what if you didn’t follow your written protocol as to what should be checked, and missed out something?
The surprise is (at least for me personally) that I’ve seen many organizations that as of today (beginning of 2010), actually work that way!
So, (aside from the fact they see SqlStripes and get all excited, and that I am having thoughts about why  marketing didn’t get to them earlier J), I wonder how could that be?
How can wide-production systems have SQL-Service monitor at best?

If you have a minute, click on the poll below to state what’s your way of monitoring your SQL Servers


Monday, January 4, 2010

SQL Stripes 2010 CTP2 is out!

Excited to announce that we got CTP2 fresh out of the oven!
We're getting very close to the final non-beta release. Although, as always, the development never stops (what I'm actually saying is that a new version means start working on the next one ;-)).

Here's some of the new highlights on the new version (differs from ctp1):

  • Multiple SMTP enhancements
  • Major Stripe/UI Design Enhancements
  • New email alert method: Email-Per-Alert (which means the alert description is sent on the subject rather than the message body)
  • CPU alert is now configurable
  • multiple bug-fix

So, grab your copy today! and as usual, send your feedback - we're always happy to hear and response


Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

Wow! Another decade just went by!
I read so many articles discussing how technology had evolved in the last ten years and predicting where it will go from here.
The new anticipated version of SQL Stripes is getting closer (hey, we call it 2010 and that's what the calendar now says ;-))
So, as the new decade begins, we do our best so the new version stands in the standards and requirements of multiple database watching.
We know how important it is to keep track and maintain the growing amount of data everywhere, and will make sure that in 2010, with the new version out it will be much easier!

Cheers & Happy New Year,