Monday, June 30, 2014

Announcing - products are out of beta, available for purchase.

After a lot of hard work, the beta 'incubation' period is finally over.
We are excited to announce new & exciting versions for all of our products!

The products available for purchase are:

  • ClipTable (Turn *any* tabular data, from any source to a SQL Table in seconds!)
  • Database File Explorer (Get a clear picture of how your databases consume your storage space)
  • SQL Table Zip (Our new query-to-go packer - turn any table or SQL Query into a compressed [.sqz] file)
  • Log Table Viewer (Add logging to your stored procedures, along with a powerful real-time viewer)
  • And as always - SQL Stripes, which is on sale for a limited time: $799 (instead of $1,250)
Each product can be purchased separately, or as a bundle - in a new attractive offer. (see more details at

We are also pleased to present our redesigned website, hope you all like it.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Expired betas of ClipTable and Database File Explorer

For those of you who recently got a "beta expired" message without being able to upgrade to a new version:
This has happened due to some changes in the installer

If you're experiencing this behavior, please uninstall your current version and download the latest from the website (